A white building with red stars on it.

Your First Visit

Comprehensive Care Tailored to Your Lifestyle and Budget

A dentist talking to a patient in a dental office.

Two Convenient Locations to Serve You

Whether you're closer to our Fall Hill location or find our Falcon Drive office more accessible, both locations are equipped with the latest dental technology and staffed by our friendly, professional team. We strive to make your first visit—and every visit thereafter—an experience that not only meets but exceeds your expectations for dental care.

Preparing for Your First Appointment

To make your visit as smooth as possible, we kindly ask new patients to fill out the New Registration Form before their appointment. This step helps us become familiar with your medical and dental history, ensuring we provide the most tailored and safe dental care. Additionally, completing the HIPAA form and Release of Records Form prior to your visit will streamline your experience, allowing us to focus on your care right from the start.

Experience the Heresi Dental Care Difference

Why do our patients choose us? Because we understand the importance of a healthy, radiant smile and the confidence it brings to your everyday life. Book now to experience it for yourself!

Easy Scheduling

We offer evening hours, family block scheduling, and same-day appointments to fit your busy lifestyle.

Affordable Financing

Flexible financing options and convenient payment arrangements to ensure your treatment is within reach.

Comprehensive Services

From preventive care to advanced treatments, we serve all ages and stages, ensuring a one-stop solution for your dental needs.

A Comforting Experience

Relax in our massage chairs, benefit from gentle dental sedation, and enjoy a stress-free visit with amenities designed for your comfort.

Financing Made Easy

A woman sitting at a desk with a doctor.

Connect with Us

A white building with red stars on it.A group of dentists posing for a picture.
A dental room with a monitor, chair, and other medical equipment.A bathroom with a sink and a mirror on the wall.
A man pointing at a computer screen with a smile on his face.
A dental office with a sink and chair.A mirror reflecting a hair dresser and a flower vase.
A group of people standing in front of a sign.A sign for a new dentist's welcome center.
A man in a white lab coat pointing at a laptop screen.A dental office with a laptop and monitor.